Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Indoor Beach Volleyball

Its has been decided quite long that my team and cooling team are playing beech Volleyball agaist each other soon .
So here is the big day we have to go After Work to The Beach an Indoor Volleyball arena .
Its 23 Degree Inside , fresh sand !! Changing room and Showers , restaurant and Bar .
They have maintained 7-8 Volleyball Courts inside a scpred factory more a cold storage to me .
one has to pay on Hourly basis to play with team or can participate in events too .
One more thing is there to worth mention is ladies in our team are participating with the same enthusiasm as boys and putting there whole effort in game , proving there is no difference between them and us there is no point of Sexual discrimination .
Purpose of writing this post is I was too inspired by the concept of turning a scraped factory as a indoor sports arena . :-)

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